In today’s talent-driven market, recruitment is no longer just a procedure but a strategic game-changer. To stay ahead in the market, the hiring team should focus on building high-performing teams rather than just filling the positions. Hiring the right talent means finding the right set of candidates who align with your company's goals & objectives.
Working is not about being busy but being productive. The landscape of work has gone through substantial changes throughout the years. Whereas remote work continues to be a permanent fixture in the future enabling flexibility. And to effectively manage the dispersed workforce, businesses are compelled to adopt advanced HRMS technologies.
Nimble HRMS is the best HR system in Nepal, it stands out as the premier HR software in Nepal, representing a paradigm shift in Human Resource Management since its inception in 2010. It has emerged as the preferred choice for numerous leading organizations across the country, revolutionizing the way HR functions are managed. Offering a comprehensive suite of features, Nimble HRMS caters to every aspect of human resource management, from recruitment to retirement, making it the go-to solution for organizations of all sizes and sectors.
In today's rapidly evolving educational landscape, effective school management requires more than just conventional methods. With the growing complexities of data management, communication, and academic planning, educational institutions seek robust software solutions to streamline their operations. Nimble Academic ERP emerges as a comprehensive solution crafted to address the diverse needs of schools and colleges.
In the present context of the dynamic work and learning landscape, the concept of recording attendance has progressed beyond the traditional methods of physical attendance registers. There is a crucial need for alternative methods that accommodate individuals in various locations and with diverse schedules, especially as remote and flexible working arrangements have become increasingly common.
Discover how Nimble HR self-service solutions empower the hospitality industry. Elevate employee satisfaction in hotels and restaurants with streamlined HR processes. Explore the benefits today!
Learn about single touch payroll and online payroll management for seamless accuracy.
As the vibrant colors of Dashain surround everyone and the festive spirit fills the air, Nimble Infosys is here to make your celebrations even more special. We are thrilled and excited to present our exclusive Dashain offer for you – a golden opportunity for you to enjoy hefty discounts on every Nimble product and service!
Human resources (HR) is a vital part of any organization. It is responsible for recruiting, hiring, and onboarding new employees, as well as managing employee relations, benefits, and payroll. A well-functioning HR department can help an organization attract and retain top talent, improve employee morale, and reduce costs.
An office automation system can revolutionize the way your workplace operates. Discover the benefits and learn how to implement an office automation system in your organization.
Join us in celebrating Nimble Infosys’ remarkable 13th anniversary! Over the years, we have become a leading provider of cutting-edge Office Management solutions and services.
Digitizing government job vacancies in Nepal can bring several benefits and improve the efficiency of the recruitment process. Here are some benefits.
Nimble HRMS Appraisal System is one such tool that is revolutionizing the performance management process.
HR professionals play a crucial role in organizational development by providing support and guidance to the organization as it grows and changes. In addition to the role that HR professionals play in organizational development, they also play an important role in overall business development by aligning human capital strategies with business goals and objectives.
As the organization and its exit formalities evolve over time, this involves keeping them up to date with refresher training. Making a written plan for this and following it would be your weapon.
For over years, keeping proper balance between time and attendance in the organization was a matter of trust. It was more like an estimate game as the HR managers used to heavily rely on their employee’s honesty in order to account for hours logged on the job.
As we all know from previous article on topic “Benefits of ERP”, One benefit is Reduced Operational expenses. Here we have find the cost in terms of number so that it can make sense and become understandable on how much operational expenses can be reduced.
Imagine.. it’s the end of the month and your entire HR department is flooded by piles of employee attendance and leave sheets. Making attendance and leave function paperless is the dream of almost every HR Professional today.
Given the considerable impact that ERP systems have on operational efficiency (and, ultimately, profitability), businesses have spent large sums of money and effort over the past 40 years planning, implementing, and continuously improving enterprise ERP systems.
When it comes to new hires, it isn’t all just handshakes and health insurance forms.
Going through a pile of documents is like struggling through a mountain and getting short of air in altitude.
Yesterday we talked about innovation and today we talk about Re-invention and Renovation. We believe this year is all about our Resources in HR and how to make them more Re-silient, more Re-vitalizing and even more Re-inventing. This is also the theme of this year's National HR Conference by HRSN and Nimble Infosys. So let's have a peek of it, shall we?
We have all heard of Mumbai Dabbawallas and at the same time the biggest giants like Amazon. These are the two opposite sides. This brings us to the strategic decision making and how they place themselves differently. How can you as your organizational CEO and a Leader, manage the cries of your employees at the same time think about the demands of thousands and millions of to be clients which you could reach through technology?
No matter the controversies, SSF is still mandatory and to be honest is quite beneficial as well. Here are whats and hows of SSF and how a proper Payroll Management System must cover the legal aspects and processes of a SSF-Payroll Calculation.
A link between the HRIS solution and human resources is a secure gateway to an efficient and productive HR service. There are many reasons to drill down upon.
You could be a startup founder who wants to better understand the activities in a human resources department. Or maybe you are thinking about pursuing a career in human resources, either way you would stop and think about owning a HR software.
To remain competitive in the Growing business world, businesses must stay on top of technological advances. The use of information systems in business gives managers the information they need to work efficiently and effectively.
Investing in a HRMS is a planned process and a lot of questions pops on your head before investing in one. Read through most frequent questions answered regarding HRMS and our HR software.
We will update you with latest trends, technology changes, tips and tricks related to services provided by us.